DannyBoy, My Inspiration

This is how I would like to view the world each and every day! Like my boy Danny did. He loved life, he loved everyone and everything and he loved me. I am forever grateful for that love and in my grief of his loss this past June I have decided to do what makes ME happy for the rest of my time on earth.

Danny put a smile on everyone’s face he met, he lived to the fullest even in declining health, even to the day he left this earth. To say I am lost without him would be an understatement! But we go on and to honor his life I will in time adopt another homeless canine into my life. I cannot at the moment due to my living situation, but I will make it work in the spring!

So for now I will remember his joy of life and I will try very hard to reflect that in my life. I have struggled this past year with may changes and loss in my life but I feel like it is shifting and starting up my training business again after many, many years will give me the inspiration I need to move on. Danny gave me that.

So although I am not a good writer as far as been grammatically correct, I will write to ease my pain and to have clarity in each day. I ask that YOU share with me and I hope in time fellow bloggers all the stories of the Dogs of YOUR life!

The photos the stores that warm the heart, the stories that bring a tear the stories that are sad but this is life. It is not always a joy ride but the dogs of our lives made it all worth while so SHARE AWAY PLEASE! In the next few posts I will tell of my life with my dogs and finding DannyBoy. But for now I want to just get this started in hopes some of you will share your unique and heartfelt stories of the dogs that helped us through life and loved us unconditionally!

For the love of Danny and others I will share with you soon, thank you for loving a dog in your life!!

March 14, 2022

Time has flown by and I have not yet set up the blog to accept responses and shares. I will figure that out soon! I did however adopt a new sweet collie boy into my life a few days ago. His name is “Ollie” a 6yr old Blue Merle and like my Dannyboy, a very sweet boy. I will share his photo here and then sign off so I can work with the “Help” desk to get this bog figured out!

Please keep in mind I do want to hear about “The Dogs of Your Life!” As soon as I can open this up to comments, please share!

Love your fur kids every single day. Life is fragile.